Here are a few pictures of the weekend........

This next picture was taken at one of the meals, I think that this was our hillarious dinner. We couldn't stop laughing! From left to right, Kaaren, Me, Katherine, Cris & Leslie. Cris and Leslie were campers of mine and I had the absolute privilage of being on staff with them as well. It was sooo cool just hanging out and laughing with everyone. I don't think I have laughed that hard in a LONG time!

And the last picture I am going to share with you today is from the card workshop I did on Saturday afternoon. I had 20 women sign up for this workshop, and all of them had a blast!!! I love stamping, obviously, and it was so great to bring it to some of my camp friends. Oh and notice the wollen hat (or touque as us Canadian's call them). It was really that cold!!!
Hopefully I will get back to the creative stamping today. I will post some stuff again tomorrow.
I am missing camp already, thankful for all the wonderful people who I have met over the years, and glad for some new friends this weekend too! I can't wait for the 90th reunion in 5 years!!!