Anyhow, I wanted to apologize for not keeping up with things lately. I will try, when I can to post as regularly as possible. It might mean pics from my iphone, but then that is better than nothing right?
I hope your lead up to Xmas is going well. I will try and get back here later today to post pictures from this weeks club.
Did I mention that I have changed things around with Club for the time being?
1. No set Hostess- all people who submit a qualifying order of more than $25 on one of the two club days (Thursday or Friday in the second week of the month) are entered into a draw to win the Hostess Benefits! December's big winner was DONNA M!
2. No Commitment, you can do it one month, and not another! How cool is that?? You just need to let me know by Monday of the club week if you wish to participate.
Let me know if you want to get in the game for January! Jan will be an exciting month! Things to look forward to are:
2. NEW Occasions Mini Catalogue (customers of mine can expect theirs in the mail by the end of Dec)
3. SALE-A-BRATION Open House event!!!!!! Always a FREE event! (date TBD)
4. Mystery Hostess Club
5. NEW monthly 6 card class (dates TBD)
Happy Stampin' everyone!