And then..... something happened. I started watching the blogs of these uber talented Demo's like Angie Kennedy Juda who shares a step by step video tutorial on making these super cute rag quilt purses. And the coolest part is, that you use my FAVORITE tool the Big Shot to cut out the squares! And did you know that you can cut though 8 layers of fabric at once with the Big Shot?????? You need 19 complete squares to make a purse and I kid you not it didn't take me more than 30 minutes to cut all the fabric I needed to make 2 purses!! And I am a total newbie, with out all the super cool tools Angie shows!! I had to use Scissors to cut out my fabric before putting it in the Big Shot, scissors, can you believe that!!?!
So with out further ado, my very first, hand-quilted Big Shot rag quilt purse!!
How super cute is that???? Honestly, I have never ever ever quilted before. It was easily one of the easiest crafts I have ever done. And I actually enjoyed myself!! Crazy eh??? Oh and notice that button?? That's a Baja Breeze corduroy button!! Did you know that Baja Breeze is coming back??? Look for it again in the upcoming 2010-2011 Idea Book and Catalogue! I really did have fun making my purse. And now that I know how extra versatile my Big Shot is, look for more fabric projects in the future. My mind is racing with all the possibilities.
I will have my purse on display at my Open House on May 30th. I might even have a demo going on showing how they are made. If you are free on Sunday, May 30th and want to come and see my new place RSVP as space is limited!

1 comment:
I love that purse it's so cute. My kids at school will love it!!!
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