My life seems to always be about challenges these days.
1. Challenges with my weight and my love of food and wine
2. Challenges with my family, being tested hourly by that of a 2 1/2 year old son
3. Challenges with my marriage, it's hard when your better half is working in a different city
4. Challenges with my business and finding the right work life balance
I am happy to report however that I have made significant progress in many of these areas.
1. I started back at Weight Watchers last week and after 1 full week on the program I have already lost 8lbs!
2. A new found strength from within (due largely to the fact that I have decided to step up all aspects of my life) have me less frustrated, and calmer when he isn't. Not sure it's having an effect on him yet, but my throat is happier with less yelling!
3. Looks like this is the last trip to Winnipeg Ed has to take! But I am still keeping my fingers crossed, you never know! Plus we have booked a trip to the East Coast to visit a wonderful secluded Island in the Bay of Fundy called Grand Manan. I can't wait to sit on a cliff watching the ocean roll by!
4. My business in the new area is picking up. Everyday I am meeting new people, and making new contacts. I have also scheduled work nights so that I can stay ahead of the tasks and spend less time crunching at the last minute before a class, event etc.
So today, I have a sense of accomplishment. Things are moving forward. And life is pretty good!
Shelli Gardner the CEO and founder of Stampin' Up! posts monthly challenges on her
blog, open to both Demo's and customers alike. I haven't participated in a while. Thought I would give this month's challenge a go. It's all about using the Colour Coach to find new and innovative colour combos. And stepping out of your comfort zone.

I have had an idea to use the Elements of style flowers on Marina Mist for a few weeks now. It sort of has a Wedgwood thing about it. But I knew it need to be grounded by another colour. So I pulled out the Colour Coach and tried out a bunch of different colours. Well, it so happens that my fav new colour, Cherry Cobbler was the winner.
And since I got my Holiday Mini sneak peak items today, I thought I would just have to play with the new Cherry Cobbler Seam binding ribbon! Yum! It has a wonderful sheen to it, and it is light and airy. Just lovely. Sorry my bow looks like junk! My eyes are heavy wi

th lack of sleep. The sentiment was framed by a layering of punches. The Designer Label, 1" circle ad the small oval punch bring it all together.
Anyhow, it's very much time for me to go to sleep. I can barely look at the computer screen.
Don't have a Colour Coach yet? Visit my
online store to order one today!